now is the time to start planning your visit to the LIWF, which this year will feature extended visitor space, a focus on organics and environmental issues, and new wine countries. And this year there is an entirely new show, Distil, dedicated solely to the spirits arena The Countdown has begun.
The 2008 London International Wine Fair will once again host theTop 100 Tasting. The focus of the tasting, which is now in its fourth year, will be on organic and biodynamic wines, following last year’s tasting dedicated to rosé wines.
This year’s selection panel comprises: Beverley Blanning MW, Sally Easton MW, Rosemary George MW, Jamie Goode and Max Allen.
James Murray, exhibition director at Brintex, organisers for the LIWF, comments: “Building on the success of last year’s tasting, we are delighted to turn our attention to another key trend in the wine trade. We are very pleased by the diverse and exciting range of organic and biodynamic wines selected by our panel of experts.”
The Top 100 Tasting will be located at the east end of the South Hall, throughout the 2008 LIWF, which takes place from 20-22 May 2008.
LIWF at a glance
Dates: 20-22 May 2008
Opening Times: Tues 20 May: 9.30am-6pm/Wed 21 May 9.30am-6pm/Thur 22 May 9.30am-5pm
Venue: ExCeL London, Victoria Docks, London E16 1XL
Number of exhibitors: 1,250 individual stands. 50-50% Old World and New World. 20,000+ wines
Number of visitors: 14,000 net. 27% of visitors are from outside the UK
Website: http://www.londonwinefair.com/
See you ..